Anonymous Surfing Using Advanced Easy Discussion

Anonymous Surfing Using Advanced Easy Discussion

Must be a minimum of 100 words each

1) Chapter 7: Obtaining IP Addresses

An IP address itself is made up of either 32 bits or of 128 bits, baseline and with more than four billion IP addresses in the entire world, assigning them can obviously be a little bit of a chore and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is responsible for getting these chores done. The MAC address is embedded on a network adapter at the computer factory, however, the IP address is assigned manually, meaning that instead of coming packed with an IP address, you actually have to get one for the computer itself, such as a DHCP that gives your computer its IP address when it first initiates connection with a network!

2) Chpt 7: Hostname

Each computer needs to have a unique identifier in a network environment. The hostname is the name of the computer and also referred as computer name and can be used in place of the IP address. The hostname is a unique identifier used to differentiate one device from another on the network. It started out as a simple alphanumeric name with up to 63 characters, including letters, numbers, and special characters. We can assign the hostname while installing Windows and can also change it at any time using the System window. However, when you make a hostname change, the computer will have to be rebooted for the change to take effect.

3) Chapter 7: Electronics:

I really like working with computers and other electronic devices. Sometimes I like to work on computers by taking out the motherboard, hard drives, and other things. I had a computer that went out a few years back, so I just sit down and started working with it and eventually I got it back to working just by checking different parts. Working with electronics is something I really like and I believe this class will help in in that.

4) Chapter 9: Disable cookies

With GDPR going into effect this week there has been some chatter in my life about Cookies. The text talks about limiting access through your browser settings to Cookies that collect personal data. For your general navigation of sites this can be a good thing. GDPR requires you to get consent from users if you are using this kind of personal cookie information in your website. However, the browser allows you to designate safe sites and this is important for sites who may need some more information to work. For example you log into your electric company site, the site has some information about you stored to know what information you should have access to. If I want to pay online and use some convenient features I need to accept the cookies. I think transparency and am glad to see sites working to communicate more clearly about what they collect and why. However, my initial concern for the moment is that some people may see all cookies, pop ups, and other items you may need to enable for a site to work for you, as a bad thing. I think the text does a good job specifying that these aren’t good or bad by default but items to be aware of and to limit if they aren’t needed for what you are trying to do.

5) Chapter 9: Proxy Server:

Proxy is acting on behalf of someone or representing a value. In terms of computer and computer networks proxy server acts as an intermediary machine interpreting between the user computer (browser) and the Internet (web server). The proxy server substitutes the IP address and allows client computer to make indirect network connections to other services on the network. The proxy server also acts as a gateway to the Internet, filter for email and some network protection as a firewall. In an enterprise environment, proxy server is used to facilitate security, administrative control and or caching services. In a personal computer not part of an enterprise set up, then proxy server enables user privacy and capable of anonymous surfing using advanced user setting.

6) Pluralsight; Cloud Commuting


Do you think private clouds are more beneficial for resource needs or storage needs?

It seems that we often do not see many examples of the need for expansive resources that are stored and managed off site. From what I gather, private clouds normally consist of resources stored on site that are managed by a vendor to help reduce the cost of in house IT specialists. Beyond the resource requirements, cloud systems have done wonders for the storage of information, making it easily available to all users. In a private cloud situation where storage is considered, the data that users need can be made available from any workstation within the organization. In addition, if the network security is setup properly, perhaps remote users can access their needed data as well. I always thought private cloud storage as being the network storage or Intranet of the future.

7) IT Pro TV: Basic Cloud Concepts

Wong and Rodrick do a great job of introducing “Cloud Computing Services” the explains provided take the mystery out of the tech and process.The conversation begins with Soft Ware as a Service (SaaS).I am currently subscriber to Office 365 and I love it!I have received the latest versions of the various Windows applications, they are updated automatically and the cost is very reasonable. Additionally, with OneDrive I can access my documents from any device if there is access to the Internet.Rodrick and Wong also talk about Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), here a small business with limited resources can operate at the same scale as major corporation by renting the server and workstations required to meet the present demand and scaling back when needed.This service eliminates the need to purchase expensive equipment and software for a two week or two-day event.Finally, they discuss Platform as a Service (PaaS).In this situation the end user can lease virtual machines or web page environments to build and test applications.Again, this eliminates the need to invest capital in equipment that will sit idle after the requirement has been met.

8) IT PRO: Elasticity

One of the big benefits to cloud computing that is covered across resources is the ability to get the resources you need as you need them. In the video they use the term elasticity to talk about the ability to scale up your usage or scale down based on need. The benefit there for companies is that you aren’t paying for resources you don’t use, but you also aren’t stuck with too few resources when you need them. Most companies have a high season and a lull. With the cloud instead of having the servers sit dormant during a slow period, those servers are powering someone else and you aren’t paying for their use. When things ramp up more resources are provided to you. It’s cost effective and certainly a good way to handle the resources. However, one drawback I’ve seen is that you don’t have full control of the resource allocation. Since the servers are shared based on need, you may experience some slowness as resources are moved around.