Least Two Current Events Question Below

Least Two Current Events Question Below

2) Applied Final Project: Due — December 2, 2019 by 11:59 PM EST.

A brief well organized proposal that provides the topic and subtopics to be discussed, about the options provided below will be due on November 18, as indicated above.

For this assignment, students will write a paper that involves either extensive interviews with a person with a disability or an application of the principles of this course to at least two current events involving disability and people with disabilities. For the interview, students will integrate information from class readings and discussions with what they learn from the interviews or additional readings. The paper will synthesize academic materials with the experiences of a person(s) with a disability. If you would like to start your final project paper early, your proposal may be submitted at any time. However, you should not start working on your final project paper until your proposal has been submitted and approved.

Format Requirements for Applied Final Project:

  • Font = 12 point; Arial or Times New Roman. Line spacing 2.0. If you do not adhere to this format, points will be deducted.
  • The paper content will be 8 – 10 pages in length not including the cover page, abstract and references pages.
  • Please use in-text citations in American Psychological Association (APA) style, as shown in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. To review APA style, see http://www.umuc.edu/library/citationguides.html, or a manual on APA style. List all documents used in a bibliography at the end of your paper, and follow bibliographic formatting as shown in UMUC’s Guide to Writing and Research, or in the APA style guide mentioned above.
  • Be sure to use appropriate language; do NOT use colloquial language; this is an official written assignment.
  • Grammar and spelling are important to this assignment.
  • Students are encouraged make use of the UMUCEffectiveWritingCenter when preparing their papers.