0 Ptsbelow Averagebelow Average Interpersonal Dev

0 Ptsbelow Averagebelow Average Interpersonal Dev


Attached is the worksheet that pertains to your IDP. For this assignment, you must answer, in elaborate detail, the five questions posed on the worksheet.

For the concept question, you MUST incorporate at least two academic citations. They must be from Communication Studies journals; they cannot be conference papers; they cannot be book or book chapters. Cite them in APA sixth edition.

Responses should be no longer than three pages single-spaced.

IDP Worksheet

IDP Worksheet

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem/IssueThis should include a description of a specific problem/issue you are having with your IDP person.

5.0 pts

Excellent Detail

4.0 pts

Above Average Detail

3.0 pts

Average Detail

2.0 pts

Below Average Detail

1.0 pts

Hardly Any Detail

0.0 pts


5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConceptThe concept should be defined clearly and related to how you might improve your problem/issue

5.0 pts


Excellent detail and accurate. Excellent relatedness to issue/problem.

4.0 pts

Above Average

Above average detail and accurate. Above average relatedness to issue/problem.

3.0 pts


Average detail and accurate. Average relatedness to issue/problem.

2.0 pts

Below Average

Below average detail and mostly accurate. Below average relatedness to issue/problem.

1.0 pts


Hardly any detail and inaccuracies. No (or hardly any) relation to problem/issue.

0.0 pts


5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle IThe article is from a Communication journal. The summary of this article is detailed, accurate, and relevant to the concept. There should be a discussion of a practical application based on the article.

10.0 pts


The article is from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has an excellent amount of detail, is accurate, and highly relevant to the concept. There is an excellent discussion of a practical application based on the article.

8.0 pts

Above Average

The article is from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has an above average amount of detail, is accurate, and relevant to the concept. There is an above average discussion of a practical application based on the article.

6.0 pts


The article is from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has an average amount of detail, is accurate, and relevant to the concept. There is an average discussion of a practical application based on the article.

4.0 pts

Below Average

The article is from a Communication Journal or something like it. The summary of the article has a below average amount of detail, is mostly accurate, and mostly relevant to the concept. There is a below average discussion of a practical application based on the article.

2.0 pts


The article is not from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has hardly any detail, is inaccurate, and not relevant to the concept. There is hardly any discussion of a practical application based on the article.

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle IIThe article is from a Communication journal. The summary of this article is detailed, accurate, and relevant to the concept. There should be a discussion of a practical application based on the article.

10.0 pts


The article is from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has an excellent amount of detail, is accurate, and highly relevant to the concept. There is an excellent discussion of a practical application based on the article.

8.0 pts

Above Average

The article is from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has an above average amount of detail, is accurate, and relevant to the concept. There is an above average discussion of a practical application based on the article.

6.0 pts


The article is from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has an average amount of detail, is accurate, and relevant to the concept. There is an average discussion of a practical application based on the article.

4.0 pts

Below Average

The article is from a Communication Journal or something like it. The summary of the article has a below average amount of detail, is mostly accurate, and mostly relevant to the concept. There is a below average discussion of a practical application based on the article.

2.0 pts


The article is not from a Communication Journal. The summary of the article has hardly any detail, is inaccurate, and not relevant to the concept. There is hardly any discussion of a practical application based on the article.

0.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlanThere is a detailed plan based on the literature and class discussion about how to address your issue/concept.

5.0 pts


There is a plan with an excellent amount of detail, highly related to the literature/class, and that reflects an excellent amount of thoughtfulness.

4.0 pts

Above Average

There is a plan with an above average amount of detail, related to the literature/class, and that reflects an above average amount of thoughtfulness.

3.0 pts


There is a plan with an average amount of detail, related to the literature/class, and that reflects an average amount of thoughtfulness.

2.0 pts

Below Average

There is a plan with a below average amount of detail, somewhat related to the literature/class, and that reflects a below average amount of thoughtfulness.

1.0 pts


There is a plan with virtually no detail, hardly (if at all) related to the literature/class, and that reflects hardly any thoughtfulness.

0.0 pts


5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutcomeThere is a thorough description of the outcome of your plan.

5.0 pts

Excellent Detail

4.0 pts

Above Average Detail

3.0 pts

Average Detail

2.0 pts

Below Average Detail

1.0 pts

Hardly Any Detail

0.0 pts


5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat Did you Learn?What did you learn? Why do you think you had the outcome you did? Is there anything you can do differently next time? Is there something you will make sure you repeat?

5.0 pts


Engages in an excellent amount of reflection about what they learned.

4.0 pts

Above Average

Engages in an above average amount of reflection about what they learned.

3.0 pts


Engages in an average amount of reflection about what they learned.

2.0 pts

Below Average

Engages in a below average amount of reflection about what they learned.

1.0 pts


Does not engage in very much reflection about what they learned.

0.0 pts


5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyleThe references are in APA style. The responses are error-free.

5.0 pts


Excellent spelling, grammar, and APA.

4.0 pts

Above Average

Above average spelling, grammar, and APA

3.0 pts


Average spelling, grammar, and APA

2.0 pts

Below Average

Below average spelling, grammar, and APA

1.0 pts


Poor spelling, grammar, and APA.

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts