Us Case Studyevaluate The Case Study Looks Into

Us Case Studyevaluate The Case Study Looks Into

  • For the paper, provide a little background on the product development.
  • Feel free to be as unique as you want, but remember this should be unique to Seattle, the product deveopment and their brand and brand identity.
  • Paper – The paper needs to be minimum 3 pages of actual text (This does not include the reference page, tables, graphs, etc.), but no more than 4 pages of actual text. The paper should answer all questions thoroughly and should have headers for each question and sub question.
    • For question 1 and 2, the student should go through each of the three cities. Each city should have at least one paragraph of information tied to the response.
    • For question 3, the student should be thorough in part a. There should be at least two pros and cons with explanations. B through F should be no more than a paragraph.
    • The paper needs to be in APA format. The paper I posted online is in APA format. The paper will be submitted under the Content Information > Assignment… Case study

    1. Evaluate the three teams BrandNEW had consulted for previ- ously (i.e., Vegas, Winnipeg, and Carolina) and discuss the elements from each of the teams that you believe helped build the team’s brand identity, by way of building brand awareness in their respective markets.
    2. Discuss the challenges that Vegas, Winnipeg, and Carolina may have faced in developing their brand identities in their respective cities.
    3. Given your findings from questions 1 and 2, use the following prompts to outline a brand equity strategy for the new Seattle NHL franchise.
    1. Discuss the pros and cons for at least three possible names for the expansion team.
    2. Select one of the above names and provide a brief rationale for why this name would be appropriate.
    3. What color scheme would you go with and why?
    4. What would the logo be for the team and why?
    5. What mascot would you select to represent the team and why?
    6. How would you ensure the team was socially integrated in the city?