Reduce Prices Using Communication Memo Writing As

Reduce Prices Using Communication Memo Writing As

hey should be long enough to effectively convey your message (shoot for 1.5 to 2 pages, double spaced) Below are some instructions and suggestions:

Internal Business Memo

For this assignment, I would like you to write me, as your “boss”, a business memo that addresses a current concern or international marketing issue as it relates to the material that has been covered this far in the course. This memo would be circulated within the company.

Below are some (of many ) links to websites that may help in formatting your business memo:

External Communication

Your assignment is to act as the Chief Marketing Officer in your company. Your task is to communicate in 1 to 2 pages, a relevant international marketing issue from a current real world marketing event with an important supply chain/business partner/etc. Below is some information I hope is helpful about external business communications. Please feel free to use any other resource you might find.

Business communications can be internal, such as when dealing with employees individually, in meetings or through written messages like emails and memos. It can also be external in nature, such as when communicating with customers, suppliers or other business owners. There are a number of important aspects to effective external communication. These include the level of the communication’s persuasiveness and the ability to relate to customers.


  • Effective external communication can persuade customers to take a certain desired action. Your marketing strategy, for example, can influence customers to buy your products or visit your place of business. An effective public relations campaign can make use of media to build the image of your business in the local community. If your business is expanding and you’re in need of additional employees, your recruitment efforts can persuade potential employees to consider working for your company.


  • Your external communication is a way to provide service to your customer base and to stay in touch. When your customers have a problem or question, communication methods like email, telephone or an in-person customer service department allow your customers to resolve any issues. By sending a newsletter or information about special promotions by email, you’re keeping your business in the mind of your customers, which can lead to repeat business. The better you communicate with your existing customers, the less time and resources you will need to spend on finding new ones.


  • At some point in the life of your business, you will likely need to form an alliance with another business in areas such as marketing or expansion, or even to develop a relationship with a supplier. How well you communicate with these entities will help determine your success in these areas. If you develop a reputation as someone who is easy to do business with, you can increase your chances of forming mutually beneficial business relationships, which will ultimately affect your bottom line.

Emphasizes Listening

  • External communication is not just about spreading your message or reaching out to others. Effective communication also involves taking the time to listen to any feedback you receive. A customer service survey gives customers the opportunity to tell you what is good and bad about your business and lets them know that you care about what they think. Feedback from other companies you do business with can indicate your company’s reputation in the business community.

Communication with Channels

  • By communicating with customers through direct marketing channels, distributors or business partners, companies enable sales and delivery of their goods and services in ways that end up providing benefits for each party. Companies target partners and suppliers with offers of reduce prices using communication mechanisms such as brochures, functional specifications and selling guides. Through external communication documents such as requests for proposals or statements of work, companies set up business relationships allowing them to prosper in a complex, global marketplace.