American Psychological Association Publication Co
B. Community Intervention Proposal Paper
Social workers should develop a thorough plan before intervening in a community. They can develop a plan by using problem-solving skills with a community social problem. The social problem-solving model includes steps presented in the class and course materials. These include:
Identifying and defining the problem
Establishing Objectives
Creating an action plan
Preparing to implement the plan
Evaluating the results of the intervention
Such planning guides intervention.
1.Select a social problem affecting the community described in Part A ( Community Analysis paper).
(TIP: Pick a relatively familiar problem-one for which you already have at least a minimum knowledge base). Examples: police brutality and African Americans, disproportional policing of minorities, disparities in prosecution and sentencing for various crimes relating to minorities.
2.Develop a proposal which identifies why the issue is a problem for the community and how you would develop a program or plan to solve the problem. Many of the information sources for the paper will be the same as those used for Part A of the assignment.
3.Assess group member’s coping strategies to reinforce and improve adaptation to life situations, circumstances and events. For example, some African Americans have been known to place ski rackson their vehicles, although they may not know how to ski, in an effort to ward off the police.
4.Develop a proposal which identifies why the issue is a problem for the community and how you would develop a program or plan to solve the problem. You must connect theoretical frameworks, perspectives and evidenced-based models to inform your intervention. For example, describe how an Afrocentric perspective could be used as your interpretative lens and inform your intervention when working with oppressed African Americans.
5.Be sure to gather information regarding diverse populations in the community, including
characteristics such as age, race, sexual orientation, ability levels, income levels, gender, ethnicity,
and religion. Identify power differentials within the community as it relates to race and gender.
6.Using a strengths approach, identify sources of strength within the select population and the community.
7.Identify your personal values that may influence your work with the identified population and demonstrate how you would allow professional values to guide your practice. For example, you may identify biases related to African Americans and your view on criminality. Another example would be your religious values which may not coincide with the affected population.
8.Assess social services within the community and make recommendations on improving or developing culturally responsive therapeutic services with the affected population that foster acceptance and engagement.
9.Select and use evaluation methods to examine the effectiveness of services and outcomes.
10.The assignment must be 7 pages(excluding title and reference page) of double-spaced, typed content (no pictures).
Each section will be discussed in class to assist you in writing the proposal. Writing style tips and required reference style are found in the American Psychological
Association Publication Manual (5th edition)