100 Words Hello Everyone Companies And Litigation

100 Words Hello Everyone Companies And Litigation

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What privacy or publicity concerns might a company have about the discovery process in traditional litigation?

Krystina Edwards

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words

Hello everyone,

“Discovery is one of the most important parts of the litigation process. It is a fact finding mission that’s a major part of the preparation that takes place before an actual trial” (Murray, 2020). Understanding the significance of the discovery phase is vital to any case. It is the stepping stones of what a case will be built on.

One thing that may concern a company during the discovery process is the inability to have an ace in the hole, so to speak. Of course as the trial goes on, things come up and one side usually gets a little bit more of an edge over the other side. During this discovery process time, all the dirty laundry is aired out on each side of the law. This gives everyone a fair opportunity to prepare a solid case. Another thing a company may be concerned about during discovery is settlement encouragement. Settlements are a common practice in litigation, however being the party that has to pay a settlement is never fun.


Murray, J. (2020). How the Discovery Process Works in Business Disputes. Retrieved from https://www.thebalancesmb.com

Patricia Tellez

Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words

Hi Class,

The discovery process in a lawsuit allows each side to provide information and facts that could be relevant to the case. The discovery phase could also include interrogations, request for production, subpoenas or depositions. There are three reasons behind the discovery process. The first reason is so that the parties involved are not taken back by information if it does to trial. The second reason is so that both parties have an equal opportunity to present their case. The third reason is the hope that through the discovery of information, the parties can come to an agreement or settlement.

In regard to privacy concerns, a company may be concerned about providing sensitive information to the other party. It could be trade secrets, product formulas, or it could involve providing information about employees. Depending on the type of compliant being filed, the company could be concerned about sharing information about employee health or other confidential information. At times, sad to say, some companies do not want to share information about some of its practices or procedures as it could lead to the public becoming aware of concerning operating practices. Once information is provided, it can be shared publicly and could be determinantal to the company or individuals involved.


Lee, K. (2019). Business law (2nd ed.). Retrieved from https://www.myeducator.com/reader/web/760ai/