Black Mozart Discussion And Classmate Replys

Black Mozart Discussion And Classmate Replys




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Harvard Business Review (O’Hara, 2014): “We tell stories to our coworkers and peers all the time — to persuade someone to support our project, to explain to an employee how he might improve, or to inspire a team that is facing challenges. It’s an essential skill…….” ( )

Here is a template to assist with your main post. Use if you wish: Template_Week3_Discussion_HUM112.docx .

TOPIC: Please respond to one of the following topics, using the class text and sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your MAIN POST response (reminder—also do TWO GOOD REPLY POSTS to classmates of 3-4 sentences each; or one more developed reply of 7 or 8 substantive sentences. Most find it simpler and more conversational to do the two shorter replies.):

  • TOPIC OPTION ONE: Music–Listen to one composition (for a symphony) by Haydn or Mozart, either at the websites below or in this week’s Music Folder. Identify the work that you have chosen, and describe the way in which the composition expresses the specific qualities of the Classical music style. Use the key terms from the textbook (see chap. 25, pages 826-830) that are related to that particular music style, and explain what you like or admire about the work. Compare it to a specific modern musical work for which you might use the term “classic” or “classical” in a different way. Architecture and Political Systems—As the trend in music was classical in the late 1700s and early 1800s, the trend in architecture in this period became known as “Neoclassical” both in Europe and America (see chap. 26, pages 853-868). Give an example of neoclassical architecture from that period and describe it. Explain the political roots and symbolism of this style, and why America’s founding fathers found the style fitting. Identify a neoclassical style structure in your area or that you know of elsewhere and comment on what that style makes you think of and whether it is effective.

  • TOPIC OPTION TWO: Autobiographies are often criticized as biased—as having either embellishment of events or omission of unfavorable facts. This issue arose in abolitionist literature. Review the key pages in chapter 26 (pages 869-872; also Readings 26.5 &26.7 on pp. 877-9). Use specific examples and explain whether you think an autobiographical account or literary work by a slave (such as Phillis Wheatley and Olaudah Equiano) would be more persuasive than a biographical or literary account by a white author (such as John Gabriel Stedman or Aphra Behn). VISUAL versus WRITTEN—Using specific examples, explain whether you believe the representations of slavery in the visual arts (such as Blake’s illustrations or Hackwood’s cameo; see pages 871-3) were more compelling and convincing of the injustices of slavery than the literary representations already mentioned. In your explanations, consider both audience and the content and nature of your examples. Identify the literary or art form in modern times that you think is most effective at depicting injustice. As you will manage a workplace and need to capture an audience—which communication form would work best for you—visual or written?


Classical Music & Neoclassical Architecture

Early Abolitionist Art & Literature


Mozart in my opinion is one of the closest things to the definition of classical music. His construction of Symphony #40 in G Minor Molto Allegro is one of his most infamous pieces and one of my favorites. During my time in elementary school I learned to play parts of it on the violin. I wish that it was something that I had continued because the dynamics and pace that this piece was constructed of was beautifully placed together. The piece is very calming and I have listened to it on several different occasions to relax. In comparison to another classical piece that is more modern I would say that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Clarinet Concerto In A major, K.66 would be the best thing to compare to Symphony #40 in G Minor Molto Allegro, It is just as relaxing however it is a little more fast pace it has a solo piece from the clarinet and it also beautifully constructed.

Being born and raised in Washington D.C and still currently living here, I have had the pleasure of seeing the U.S Capitol building every time I go to work or I go in to the city. Tourist from all over the world come to Washington D.C to visit this building and I have am grateful to be able to look out of one of my bedroom windows and be able to see the Statue of Freedom which sits atop of the the U.S Capitol building. The U.S Capitol is a neoclassical architectural structure of the 18th Century when its first corner stone was laid by George Washington in September of 1793. The design was considered the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive and because that it was left to the French architect Pierre Charles L’Enfant to design the Capitol building, however because he refused to produce any blueprints of what the building would look like he was dismissed and later Dr. William Thorntan a Scottish physician presented an offer of a plan which displayed the design of the building that stands today. It wasn’t that the founding fathers found the design fitting they were fed up with Pierre L’Enfant and wanted whom ever was capable of providing a plan that they liked so that the building to be constructed.

Not very far from where my parents live in Lanham Maryland there is a Mosque on Good Luck Road. This building reminds me of something that Louis XIV would have constructed himself if he had lived to see that era. It is amazingly built and it it reminds me a of a cathedral however it a neoclassical design and you can see it at least a mile away. It is very effective on my ideas of art because of how beautiful it is and how detailed the design is there is so much to look at that each time you pass you notice something different and that is what draws me to into artwork.



I am impressed with Mozart’s because of the struggles that he overcame as a child. Symphony No. 40, 1st Movement Allegro is his greatest symphony. The first movement in particular is extremely well known and is one of the most famous movements he created. This is probably the second most well-known piece of music Mozart wrote, especially with todays’ listeners. He is also noted for composing Symphony No. 40 in eight weeks which is remarkable. According to Sayre, “the symphony is marked by almost perfect balance and control, and although its sonata form Is easy to hear and follow, it is also easy to hear the ways in which Mozart manipulates the perform in order to play with his audience’s expectations.”

Neoclassical Architecture

Jefferson first became familiar with classical architecture and the Pantheon through Andrea Palladio. The Pantheon was the prototype for Jefferson’s Rotunda at the University of Virginia.

The Appling County Courthouse is located about 20 minutes from Fort Gordon, Georgia, built in 1907–1908. It is in the Neoclassical style and is constructed of limestone and concrete. The interior is a cross pattern with four entrances. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.