What is one question( unknown variable) you have always wanted to know the answer to, but no one has ever been able to answer it for you or you have never discovered yourself ?

What is one question( unknown variable) you have always wanted to know the answer to, but no one has ever been able to answer it for you or you have never discovered yourself ?

Medical Terminology class:

An eponym is a term that is named after an individual. Some healthcare professionals feel that the use of eponyms should be avoided, and new terms that are coined are rarely named after individuals. Choose an eponymous medical term from a chapter that we have covered. How did this term get its name? Propose an alternative name for this term, one that is based on descriptive word elements rather than a person.

Math class:

Before our final destination, let us ponder on the wh(Y)’s in life.

In a detailed 1 -2 paragraphs please answer the following : Make 4 separate post.

1.What is one question( unknown variable) you have always wanted to know the answer to, but no one has ever been able to answer it for you or you have never discovered yourself ?

2.Why is the question so important to you ?

3. What benefit will it give you if you knew the answer to this equation ?

4.What is more powerful the search for the truth variable or the answer that is the truth itself ?

BIO 100 question, just one page. Answer it.

Make 4 separate post.
1. Pick a contraceptive. How popular is it?

2. How successful is it at preventing unwanted pregnancy?

3. Abortion is a hotly debated topic today with a few states outlawing the practice. What is your take on the government and its role in contraception? (Please maintain civility).

4. What are new contraceptives that aren’t as mainstream

Answer preview What is one question( unknown variable) you have always wanted to know the answer to, but no one has ever been able to answer it for you or you have never discovered yourself ?

What is one question( unknown variable) you have always wanted to know the answer to but no one has ever been able to answer it for you


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