Believe Everyone Must Take Big Five Test Assessme

Believe Everyone Must Take Big Five Test Assessme

Please take the personality test by clicking (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and then answer the discussion question below.

Big Five Assessment
What were your results from the Big Five Assessment? Do you think the Big Five Test is reliable and valid? Why or why not?

I’ve already taken this test and this my result i will give you the description of my personality that i send it to my professor, please tell about my results and the percentage and explain that do i agree with this results or not based on my description:

my description:

I would describe my personality as a proactive and organized person. I am reliable with my work and tasks. Before I do something, I think about it and analyze it and make procedures and instructions to get the best results and I always try to improve my life by adopting myself to life’s changes. In my social interaction I’m easy to get along and I don’t have difficulty in talking to new people and making new friends and i feel friendly with people that i meet first time, but I prefer to have few close friends rather than having lots of friends. Furthermore, in most situations I react as logical person and I make decisions base on logic and evidence rather than emotion.

2) Based on the descriptions you’ve just read about people’s personalities, what is personality?

based on the other’s descriptions, personality is the way that makes people unique and makes them different from each other and also reflected in the actions, behavior and beliefs of a person. In my opinion personality’s traits are shaped by environmental components because i think these traits can change over life times due to different situations and experiences and these factors cause individuals to behave the way they do. For example people become more logical, emotionally stable as they grow older. Overall, I believe everyone must take time to know their personality because it helps them to be more successful in their interactions with others and in their daily life.