Main Slide Https Cis 105 Creating A Powerpoint P
Microsoft PowerPoint presentations are used in classrooms and companies all over the world every day. They are used to share information, gain support, move projects forward, and sell. Knowing how to put together a professional presentation that is engaging, focused, and clear is a challenge that many of us face. Therefore, in this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to create a multimedia presentation showcasing you and your goals for the information you learned this term.
Grading ( Click Here to View Rubric )
There are seven (7) main items addressed in Assignment 3:
- Did you include all of the required slides in your presentation (7 slides in total)? Weight: 15%
- Did you provide appropriate and relevant text on each slide in the presentation and use text minimally? Weight: 15%
- Did you include a script/text narration in the Speaker Notes at the bottom area of each slide? Weight: 15%
- Did you insert relevant, high quality graphics or images into two (2) of the slides in your presentation? Weight: 15%
- Did you add a hyperlink into one (1) of the slides in your presentation? Weight: 15%
- Did you insert a transition of any type (ex. Cut, Fade, Push, etc.) into ALL of the slides in your presentation? Weight: 10%
- Did you insert a SmartArt, chart, and/or table element into three (3) of the slides in your presentation? Weight 15%
Click the above link to view the rubric detail so that you know exactly what is expected.
- Install and/or activate your MS Office 365 so you can use MS PowerPoint (click here to view the tutorial).
Do (Click here for a sample of what Assignment 3 looks like completed)
- Open MS PowerPoint on your computer, open a new Blank Presentation, and save the Blank Presentation with the following nomenclature: CIS105_Assignment3_FirstName_LastName_Date:
- On the Design tab, select a theme that you like under the Themes section:
- On the Transitions tab, select a transition you like and apply to all slides (do not set transitions to None as this does not include a transition):
- Slide 1 (Title Slide layout):
- Include the assignment title as the main title.
- Include your name, date, and course title as the subtitle:
- Optional: Use the Design Ideas feature to redesign the title slide on the Design tab:
- Include a script introducing your presentation in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide):
- Slide 2 (The Internet):
- Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Two Content layout:
- Include three to four words describing what you learned about the Internet in this course.
- Include an Online Picture representing the Internet:
- Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
- Optional: Use the Design Ideas feature to redesign the slide as you like.
- Slide 3 (Digital Assets):
- Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Two Content layout.
- Include three to four words describing what you learned about digital assets in this course.
- Include a hyperlink to a resource.
- Include an Online Picture representing digital assets.
- Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
- Optional: Use the Design Ideas feature to redesign the slide as you like.
- Slide 4 (Microsoft Office):
- Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Title and Content layout:
- Insert a SmartArt graphic including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as the top-level concept titles.
- Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
- Slide 5 (Ethical Behaviors):
- Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Title and Content layout.
- Insert a SmartArt graphic including Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as the top-level concept titles.
- Include three to four words under each item describing what you learned about each concept from this course (DO NOT provide a definition of each concept, instead YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT EACH CONCEPT).
- Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
- Slide 6 (Summary):
- Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Title and Content layout.
- Insert a SmartArt graphic, Chart, or Table describing how what you learned will help you in your current and/or future career.
- Include three to four keywords (DO NOT include sentences on the slide).
- Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
- Slide 7 (Conclusion):
- On any slide layout of your choice, include the words The End and/or any other short message you would like to convey to the audience in closing.
- Include a closing script in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
- Submit the PowerPoint presentation in a .pptx file type for grading. Do not submit any other file type, such as PDF.