Group Project Peer Feedback Presentation Powerpoi

Group Project Peer Feedback Presentation Powerpoi


TOPIC SELECTED: – Immigration Issue In California – Which would be in “POLICY DECISION-MAKING GROUP”.


Chapter 14 Lecture: Group Project Overview (30 minutes (The YouTube Video) )

*Individuals are no longer responsible for the “Individual Reflection Essay” associated with the Group Project.

This project is two parts: Group Presentation and Peer Feedback only*

For my in-person classes, I decided to eliminate the essay portion of the group project, so in order to remain fair to my online classes, I have removed the essay portion as well. The video describing the project below has been edited to remove the details regarding the essay portion of the project as best as I could.

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Group Project – Presentation Instructions

NOTE: Please ignore the “Group Project Peer Feedback Form”


TOPIC SELECTED: – Immigration Issue In California – Which would be in “POLICY DECISION-MAKING GROUP”.


Length: 15-20 slide presentation


  • The instructor will be assigning to you a group of two to three students in order to complete a project that will be delivered in a 15-20 slide presentation
    • The presentation needs to be detailed, describing what your group hopes to accomplish in well-written text, descriptive photos, and explanatory videos.
      • Make sure not to overload your slides with too much writing!
        • Space out content between slides so that there is only one main idea per slide.
      • When dividing up responsibilities among group members, it will be important for the final product to look like a cohesive whole – make sure all text and backgrounds are the same font/height/color and that images follow similar formats.
  • A PowerPoint presentation or equivalent visual aid is required for this presentation.
    • Your presentation should include a minimum of 5 outside source reference, cited on the presentation as well as include a reference list at the end of your presentation.
  • All group members are expected to work together equally in order to complete this assignment
    • You will pick one person to be the designated leader of your group – this individual is responsible for any communication with me as the instructor regarding questions the group has, and will be the individual responsible for turning in the final presentation from the group.
    • Become familiar with Canvas in order to help you collaborate with group members – including ConferZoom, Collaborations, or the Conferences left hand tabs to conduct group meetings.
    • Presentations will receive a group grade, however at the end of the presentation, group members will be able to give peer evaluations (20 points) on individual performance.
      • This will be where your teammates can confidentially rate your performance in teamwork. Group Project Peer Feedback Form located here

Project Selection

Groups must decide to complete this assignment on one of the following choice options. It will be important for you and your assigned group to pick a type of project you will focus on (listed below) and start the research elements of your presentation. Groups must finalize their topics with the instructor by the workshop date listed on the syllabus.

  1. Policy decision-making group

    • In groups, students participates in a decision-making group that addresses a policy issue, such as recycling, voting rights, visitation rights, death penalty, etc within your community, county-wide or statewide.
      • Library and online research is necessary to complete this assignment successfully, although in some cases, interviewing individuals in the community may substitute if the data gathered is substantial in quality.
    • Group objectives:
      1. Start by selecting a policy your group wishes to focus on, gathering background information on policy as it currently stands
      2. Take a stance on how it should be adjusted/changed/maintained.
      3. Connect the relevance of this issue to the audience (why should we care?)
      4. Detail a plan of action that needs to happen in order to acquire change
        1. Include what actions the public needs to take in order to adjust/change/maintain the policy as you’ve described
  1. Campus problem-solving activity

    • In groups, students identify a current problem within the campus. Students research and attempt to solve the problem. Examples of campus/city issues include lack of student involvement in campus-wide issues, low student-voter turnout, tuition increases, problems with the student health service, volunteering, mentoring programs, parking problems, and alcohol abuse problems.
      • It is possible for students to identify a problem and then work with Student Life, Student Senate, or some academic or support department in gathering data (surveys or interviews) in order to supplement traditional library/online research methods.
    • Group objectives:
      1. Start by selecting an issue that currently affects the campus community, including research that shows the issues historical implications, including why and how it became an issue.
      2. Come up with a unique or innovative way for this issue to be resolved/lessoned in some way
      3. Develop a detailed and realistic plan of action towards a solution
        1. Including what actions the community needs to take in order to help solve the problem
  1. Company pitch

    • Have you ever seen Shark Tank? This choice option is where you get to pretend you are in the Tank trying to sell your amazing idea to a room of investors.
      • In groups, students choose a company in order to pitch a new idea, product, or branding ability to. The company can be global, national, or local.
      • A brief history of the company should be covered, in addition to the pitch and explanation of how it will assist the company’s business – monetarily and socially.
    • Group objectives:
      1. Select a company your group wishes to sell their pitch to – this could be a new product to an existing company, or the development of a brand new company to potential investors.
      2. Develop a detailed history for your pitch to be effective
        • If you are creating a new company, you will need to create a company mission statement, target audience, and market where you hope to create influence
        • If you are marketing a new product to an existing company, you will need to showcase your knowledge of the company you are trying to win over, including why this company would benefit from your product
      3. Detail the elements of the pitch that are meaningful to the company
        • Why and how it will benefit the company both monetarily and socially (public image)
        • Why the public will respond well to this product
        • How much this product/company costs to create and how much the company will make in profits from investing

General Presentation Requirements

  1. Presentations should include a short introduction and conclusion.
    • In the introduction, introduce each group member, provide a thesis statement for the concept of your presentation, and preview your main points.
    • In the conclusion, restate your main points and provide a memorable closing statement to close the speech effectively. No new information should be provided in the conclusion.
  2. The main points of your presentation should be organized in a clear manner
    • including oral citations to the research conducted from all group members.
  3. The workload should be distributed fairly
    • The group’s overall presentation should be creative, interesting, and fun. The PowerPoint and/or visual aid material should be thoughtful and engaging.
  4. All presentation slides provide examples to make the material relevant and applicable to the audience.


TOPIC SELECTED: – Immigration Issue In California – Which would be in “POLICY DECISION-MAKING GROUP”.


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