Possible Successful Outcomes Might Legal Policy M

Possible Successful Outcomes Might Legal Policy M

Overview: For this assignment, you will write a legal policy memorandum to the chief of police proposing a strategy to minimize the negative impact a
controversial issue may have on the criminal justice system. By beginning to analyze one specific issue, this memorandum will help prepare you for your
Milestone One submission in Module Three.
There are many controversial topics in the field of criminal justice. So far, you have been introduced to a few of these issues, such as improper or excessive use of
force, police corruption, disparity in prison sentences based on race, improper training or policies, racial profiling, and civil liability, to name a few. Often, these
issues create a negative public perception of the criminal justice system.
After being introduced to the controversial issues of victims’ rights and jailhouse informants in this module’s resources, you will select one such critical issue that
is interesting to you and propose a strategy to minimize the negative impact this issue has on public perception of the field of criminal justice.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

1. Issue Presented: Summarize the issue in the form of a brief one-sentence question.

2. Short Answer: Provide a short answer which summarizes the conclusion of the memorandum.
3. Statement of Facts: Describe how the issue may negatively affect public perception of the criminal justice system.

4. Discussion: Provide a brief discussion of the issue, including the recent history of the issue and any legal precedents related to it.
5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion based on the details of the issue outlined in the Discussion section.

6. Recommendations:
a. Based on your reading, propose at least one evidence-based practice to minimize the negative impact this issue may have on public
perception of the criminal justice field.
b. Describe what possible successful outcomes might result from addressing this issue by analyzing it with evidence-based practices.

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