Explain Three Gold Historical Reflection Scored

Explain Three Gold Historical Reflection Scored


See the detailed Historical Reflection directions for information about requirements and scoring rubric. For Part I, identify and explain three “gold nuggets” from this week’s historical sources. For Part II, prepare a three-paragraph response to this key question:

Did women who participated in the Civil War do more to maintain standard gender expectations or did they undermine standard gender expectations? (Helpful tip: Consider the Cult of Domesticity from Chapter 4 for insights into the “standard gender expectations” for women.)

Support your interpretation with specific evidence from this week’s historical sources. Keep quoted content to less than 20% of your response. Prepare a minimum of three paragraphs responding to this question. (Keep in mind that paragraphs generally consist of five to seven sentences).

Submit your Historical Reflection by Monday. (Although there is a 24-hour grace period for submitting your reflection, please only use this for unexpected emergencies).

Submitting your Assignment:

When saving your assignment, use: YourLastName_FirstInitial_AssignmentName_Wk# (ex. Last,F. _Wk9).

    1. Click the Submit Assignment button.
    2. Click the Choose File button and upload file.
    3. Click the Submit Assignment button to submit.

Remember, once you submit the assignment, you’ll soon see a Turnit.com score appear in the grades view. You can open the Turnit.com report and ensure that you properly cited all quoted passages and that your quoted passages comprise less than 20% of the entire document. If you conclude that a revision is necessary, please revise your Historical Reflection and resubmit it. In the comments box for the assignment, just let me know that you submitted a revised version. You may submit revisions during the assignment period and use the 24-hour grace period if needed.

Help for Completing the Historical Reflection Activity.

Consider using your notes and answers to the reading guide to form the foundation of your golden nugget reflections for Part 1.

As you examine this week’s content and complete the module activities, keep the guiding question for Part 2 in the back of your mind. As you examine and evaluate the evidence in this week’s module, you’ll also be considering how the evidence applies to our guiding question being addressed in the part 2 analysis.