Select Appropriate Business Initiative Creating P
This exercise is an integral part of this course aims to gain basic hands-on experience in
managing real-life projects. The work must be submitted to the instructor before the set
deadline for assessment. Below are the key steps to manage this exercise:
1 Select the Project:
Select small and ‘practical’ project you are familiar with. Preferably from a real scenario
that may involve the student’s career, social, or logistical interests. This will be discussed
and explained further in class.
2 Get Instructor Approval:
If in doubt in selecting the project, please share your ideas with the instructor to discuss
your project for appropriateness to this exercise.
3 Practice PM Tools:
Use the specifics of your project to construct and submit a portfolio that comprise the
below project management documents. Templates for most of these documents are
uploaded in Moodle, the rest are discussed in the class at various lectures.
1. Business case
2. Adopt system approach to analyze business initiative
3. Select appropriate business initiative using ‘quantitative’ approach
4. Project charter
5. Assumptions and constraints
6. Stakeholders register
7. Stakeholders management grid(s)
8. Project scope statement
9. Work breakdown structure
10. Milestone list
11. Activity duration estimates (PERT)
12. Network diagram using CPM
13. Gantt chart
14. Basis of cost estimation
15. Activity cost estimates
16. Project funding requirements
17. Quality matric
18. Quality checklist
19. Requirements traceability matrix
20. Resource breakdown structure
21. Responsibility assignment matrix
22. Progress report
23. Status report
24. Earned value report
25. Selection criteria for project procurement activities
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College of Business
MBA 530 Managing Strategic Business Projects
Instructions for Developing the Portfolio of the ‘Course Project’
26. Risk management plan
27. Risk identification
28. Risk breakdown structure
29. Risk register with risk response
30. Change request form
31. Change register/Log
32. Issue log
33. Closure report
34. Lessons learned
4 General Notes:
(a) The templates supplied are meant to get you started and support this exercise
from educational perspectives. In practice, the project manager has more
flexibility to change the contents of these templates as per the project specifics
and any constraints imposed by the organizational, environmental or the local
PMO practices.
(b) The exact contents of each of these templates and possible variations will be
pointed out by the instructor at different stages along the course.
(c) The deadline to submit the project including all above, is before the last week of
the course.
(d) You may contact the instructor (see syllabus for contact information) for any
query you may have