European Miracle Myth Anthro 41A Writing 4

European Miracle Myth Anthro 41A Writing 4


  1. According to Weber, why did capitalism grow in Europe? What are the characteristics of modern capitalism? What does Weber mean by “the spirit of capitalism”? What are the differences between Weber and Blaut’s main arguments about the rise of capitalism in Europe. Does Weber’s argument reflect the “European Miracle Myth” discussed in Blaut? Why or why not?
  2. Weber observes that Protestants had greater participation in capitalism. How does he explain that tendency? (Outline his arguments about differences between Protestants and Catholics). Write about how time, money, and ethics are all connected through Protestant beliefs according to Weber. What is the purpose of an individual’s life according to Protestantism and capitalism? What do you think about that viewpoint?
  3. What is “traditionalism” and how does it work against the objectives of capitalism according to Weber? What must laborers believe in order to fulfill the objectives of capitalism? Think about your own beliefs and motivations. Imagine that you have a job that allows you to live comfortably. The company for which you work changes policies, so that you will now be paid for your productivity. You have two options: 1. You could work more hours in a day, produce as much as possible, and earn more money or 2. You could work fewer hours to make the same amount of money you were making previously and go home for the day once you reach that amount. What would you choose and why? What belief system does your choice reflect according to Weber?
  4. In the lesson, it mentions that Weber is an “idealist.” What does that mean (Please note that this definition may not be the same as our usual use of the word)? Give an example from the reading of his argument as an idealist. Do you consider yourself an idealist in this sense? Why or why not? Give an example of your beliefs and show how they are or are not idealist.
  5. What were major differences between Luther’s original intentions and beliefs and the ways his supporters who went to war took up his teachings? Include the beliefs of both regarding political and religious systems. What were 3 effects that were sparked by Luther’s actions. Give another example of a leader or action that has had unintended consequences (from this course, another class, or current events).
  6. What factors influenced the creation of the Church of England (Anglican Church)? When England became Anglican, how did religious authority shift? What were three effects of this change to the Church of England? We’ve seen other examples in this class of the ways political interests and religious interests intertwine. Compare and contrast the creation of the Church of England with another example of an event that involved both religious and political interests.
  7. What were John Calvin’s beliefs? How did they differ from the Church of England and Lutherans? How did beliefs of Calvinists support the basic principles of capitalism? How were wealth and poverty viewed morally and religiously by Calvinists? What were the consequences of these beliefs? Think about the beliefs of your family or the community in which you grew up (could be local, regional, or national). How are/were wealth and poverty viewed in religious or moral terms? What consequences do you see of those beliefs in the values and actions of your family or community?


Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 200 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format) – The citation should come from course readings, films, or outside sources (Prof Douglas’s lessons don’t count).

Example (author, page number)

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.

You can review a list of the questions posted below.