Groups Would Include Obtaining Paragraph 1

Groups Would Include Obtaining Paragraph 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

Although many people are considered both ‘at risk’ and
‘vulnerable,’ there is a difference between the two. ‘At risk’ describes the
level that someone could be exposed to an illness. A risk for sickness can be
contributed to factors that include age, race, gender, and also how common
specific diseases are within the community. In comparison, being vulnerable is
the state at which people are unable to ‘anticipate, cope with, resist and
recover’ from an impact (WHO, 2018). For example, there are many factors to
consider why there are fewer influenza vaccinations received by Hispanics and
African Americans than other groups; however, this places their community ‘at
risk’ of contracting the virus (Rangel, Shoenbach, Weigle, Hogan, Strauss,
& Bangdiwala, 2005).

discussing vulnerable groups, children, the elderly, the poor, and minority
groups are typically included. There are many reasons these people are
susceptible: the poor population may be homeless, and among other causes, lack
the finances to obtain health insurance; children are without the knowledge and
voice; women may prefer and be unable to find female physicians; and minorities
experience racism in healthcare as well as poverty because of inadequate
education and economic opportunities (WHO, 2018).

groups experience challenges in advocating for themselves due to the lack of
either wisdom or fiscal resources; which are necessary to fight such
vulnerabilities. Discrimination is the main ethical issue at hand. Although,
some of the other fundamental concerns when advocating for these groups would
include obtaining adequate access to health care and insurance coverage, in
addition to helping them improve their literacy rates and financial positions
for longevity.

As of
2016, the population of the U.S. was estimated at 326 million; of the reported,
12% live in poverty, 51% are female, 23% are children, and 41% are minorities
(U.S. Census Bureau, n.d.). Proving that it is everyone’s responsibility to
help make a difference in promoting wellness efforts in our communities.


M. C., Shoenbach, V. J., Weigle, K. A., Hogan, V. K., Strauss, R. P., &
Bangdiwala, S. I. (2005). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Influenza
Vaccination Among Elderly Adults. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 20(5),