Measures Examplesno Late Work Capstone Project 6
Project info –
I have included my learning contract that explains each measure. I have completed two of the 6 measures as well as the bibliography however, the bibliography may need to be updated a bit.
Please submit all of your measures for Learning Contract to this drop box with at least one file (attachment) for each measure listed in the Measures column of your approved Learning Contract.
- All measures should be put into this dropbox together in ONE submission.
- Please do not submit each portion of your measure as a separate dropbox submission – the dropbox can handle multiple attachments.
- Continue to use the attachment button until all measures for both objectives have been uploaded. Then use the submit button.
- Do not combine multiple measures into one file.
- All measures must be submitted to receive a Capstone project grade.
- Do not include the Rubric in any submission to this dropbox.
File naming for measure objectives will follow this format: last name and objective number (letter).
For example:
- Jones_obj1a_HSC4910
- Jones_obj1b_HSC4910
- Jones_obj1c_HSC4910
- Jones_obj2a_HSC4910
- Jones_obj2b_HSC4910
- Jones_obj2c_HSC4910
All measures will be evaluated as a whole on a single rubric. You will receive a graded rubric when the learning objective is evaluated and the measures are returned to the dropbox. This dropbox will only accept one submission (you can add all files to one submission). Be sure to clearly label and add all attachments needed for the evaluation of your work (i.e., include all measures). Failure to include all submissions will result in significant point deductions.
Reminders about your measures due this week:
- Expectations for the scholarliness and quality of your work are set very high, including proper formatting, title pages on all documents and proper file naming.
- Revise the annotated bibliography based on feedback provided in the initial submission and resubmit it with the rest of the measures.
- To receive points for your measures, you must fully complete both objectives and all measures as stated on your Learning Contract; partial credit will not be awarded. Measures Examples
- No late work is accepted in Capstone and all due dates are listed in the course snapshot.**