Zewei Question Steinberg Question Help In 2 Page

Zewei Question Steinberg Question Help In 2 Page

Assignment Instructions

Welcome to the second assignment! This assignment is a take-home essay consisting of 3 questions, 2 pages total, to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Please exclusively use the course materials to support each answer. To answer these questions paraphrase, do not use quotations. You can summarize the articles with citations but leave room for your own words.

Please answer all three questions below in a paragraph format by listing the number followed by your answer. I recommend using the MEAL plan to organize your paragraphs. Please cite your sources using in-text citations; a reference list is not needed. Please review your work for errors before submitting it and ensure that it is grammatically correct. Your submission should be no more than 2 pages in length.

1. Zewei’s article is about two competing forms of international relations. Zewei argues that they were incompatible. Both could not win — only one was going to come out of the collision as the victor. What was so different about the Confucian-based system of China’s celestial empire and the Western system ushered in by the western Empires? Why were they incompatible? You can find this answer by reading the full article.

2. What are three good things Steinberg sees in NGOs? What are three serious critiques Steinberg finds about NGOs?

3. What crises made people think of business and human rights as a topic, according to Cragg, Arnold, and Muchlinski article from week 6?

Please note that all assignments should be written in Word and uploaded as attachments within the Assignments section of the classroom. Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Assignments will be graded using this rubric.







Purpose/Audience (Answers Questions?)

Zewei question

Steinberg question

Cragg et al. question

Mechanics, grammar, editing


Course Objectives:

After successfully completing this course, you will be able to

CO-1 Describe the actors in the international system.

CO-2 Identify the characteristics of the international system.

CO-3 Describe the current and expanding roles of IGOs, NGOs, MNCs and networks.

CO-4 Identify how politics and economics are intertwined aspects of international relations.

CO-5 Assess the impact of global issues on the international system.

Reference materials:

Zewei, Yang. 2011. “Western International Law and China’s Confucianism in the 19th Century. Collision and Integration.”Journal of the History of International Law 13: 285–306.


Steinberg, Gerald. 2011. “The Politics of NGOs, Human Rights and the Arab-Israel Conflict.” Israel Studies 16 (2): 24–54.

Wilkinson, Paul. 2007. International relations: A very short introduction. Oxford, GBR: Oxford University Press, UK. (pages 130-134/The North/South Divide).

Wilkinson, Paul. 2007. International relations: A very short introduction. Oxford, GBR: Oxford University Press, UK. (pages 106-111/The Environment and Global Warming).


Cragg, Wesley, Denis Arnold, and Peter Muchlinski. 2012. “Human Rights and Business.” Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (1) (January): 1–7.

Matthews, John. 2002. “Dragon Multinational, A New Model for Global Growth.” In Oxford, GBR: Oxford University Press.(page 3-18).




Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

In this lesson we will examine non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—specifically international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). INGOs have been growing in importance over the past 70 or so years. In 1946, 41 NGOs had official “consultative status” with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In 2016, that number was 2,800 (APA, 2016).

Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

In this lesson we will discuss another type of non-state actor in the international system. Multinational Corporations (MNCs), broadly defined, are business entities that have facilities—whether production, administrative, or distribution-related—in two or more different countries. The influence of MNCs in the international system demonstrates how foreign relations and economics are intertwined. MNCs are a relatively recent development, and although they do not have the political sovereignty or military strength possessed by states, they still exert considerable influence over the international system. MNCs also have a mixed reputation in terms of the benefits they provide and the harm they can cause, especially in the poor countries where they often locate production.