What insight have I received about my leadership style or characteristics

What insight have I received about my leadership style or characteristics

LEADERSHIP JOURNAL Throughout the course students will take a number of leadership assessments and will have the opportunity to journal about what they have learned about the assessment and their leadership capabilities.Students will prepare a five to seven page double-spaced paper summarizing what they have learned about their leadership capabilities through these assessments.The paper must cover at least five assessments that they have taken through the course of the semester as well as including the seven (7) addendum questions posted to Blackboard

Journal Questions

Please use the Journal Questions on “My Leadership Journal” as a guide for your thoughts on your weekly journal entries. Please include the seven (7) questions below along with five (5) assessments to be developed into your paper five to seven page paper (refer to syllabus for details) due at the end of the semester.

Week #1 Question:

What are your goals for the following?

1 Year

3 Years

5 Years

Week #2 Question:

What situation would you do differently based on new information?

Week #3 Question:

Do you agree with your MBTI Letters? Why or Why not.

Week #4 Question:

What does integrity and trust mean to you?

Week #5

What is your purpose?


Week #6

The definition of The Situational Approach: Leadership style–the behavior pattern of an individual who attempts to influence others. Which style best describes you and why.

Week #7 (This is the final question)

What fear do you need to overcome and why?


My Leadership Journal

What is this questionnaire/test saying about me?

What fits well with what I know about myself?

What are some things that surprise me?

What insight have I received about my leadership style or characteristics?

Answer preview What insight have I received about my leadership style or characteristicsWhat insight have I received about my leadership style or characteristics


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