Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable community.

Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable community.

Week 5 Community Sustainability Proposal

Local government leaders have asked you to provide information and recommendations for
increasing sustainability in the community.
Perform an initial search to learn about green initiatives for a city in your area.
Create a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation or Write a 350- to 525-word proposal to your local
Include the following:
 A summary of green initiatives for a city in your area.
 Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and
livable community.
 The proposal should include recommendations both for actions by the local government and
by individual homeowners.
 Explain how implementing these recommendations would promote sustainability and
improve like for residents.
Include appropriate images.
Include a list of the sources you use.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
 For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft®
PowerPoint® presentations.
 For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations
with notes similar to what you would present orally.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Answer preview Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable community.

Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable community.


430 words