Discuss how the hospital can improve their performance to meet the target.

Discuss how the hospital can improve their performance to meet the target.

For this discussion, you are tasked with comparing two hospitals, one that is considered a safety-net hospital (public hospitals who care for a large segment of the population who are uninsured or underinsured) and one hospital from a more affluent area in the state where you live.

Visit The Joint Commission: Quality Check (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Take the following steps to find two hospitals:

Enter a city and state, and then select Locate.

A list of hospitals for that city and state will populate on the page. Select View Report.

Select View Accreditation History. Next, select the most recent Quality Report, which will open as a PDF document. Scroll down to the pages that list the National Patient Safety Goals and then the National Quality Improvement Goals. Choose one from either list.

If you choose a National Patient Safety Goal,

State the goal and the procedure(s) indicated in the Organization Should

Discuss the implications to the patient, staff (physicians, nurses, medical assistance, pharmacists, etc.) and hospital if the health care professional fails to follow the procedure indicated.

If you choose a Quality Improvement Goal,

State the measure and explanation of that goal.

Discuss how the hospital can improve their performance to meet the target.

Repeat the above steps for a second hospital. Reminder, one hospital should be a safety-net hospital and one should serve an affluent community.

Next, compare and contrast the differences between the two facilities. After review of the two hospitals, discuss your opinion about the reasons these hospitals could have disparities.

Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library to justify your recommendations for improvement. Cite all sources in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The Research, Keywords, Databases: An Overview (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video tutorial is available to help you become more familiar with the library database search features and how to generate keywords.

Guided Response: Choose two classmates, and respond as a patient who has experienced the issue identified in your classmates’ posts. Answer the questions listed below. Your guided response posts should be a minimum of five well-developed sentences.

What role does customer satisfaction play in your decision to utilize the health care facility in the future based on the findings?

What would you expect as the patient? Explain your answer.

Answer preview Discuss how the hospital can improve their performance to meet the target.

Discuss how the hospital can improve their performance to meet the target.


423 words