4 Chapter 4Please Crju 3311 Middle Georgia Unive
CRJU 3311 Police Systems, Practices, and Administration
******Scholary articles and references only
Discussion Assignment #4 of 4 – Chapter 4
Please see rules for our discussion assignments as contained in the evaluation criteria in the syllabus as well as the Major Requirements for our discussion assignments as posted in “Dr. Alex – TIPS” Folder (see below “Week Eight” in the classroom). Then please post a well-researched and SUBSTANTIVE main response to the two questions below (minimum 300 words for each of the 2 questions) and also respond to 2 of your classmates. Please remember that your main response MUST be posted FIRST and is due Thursday of the online week. Your two response posts should then be posted anytime by Sunday of same online week. Your main post must be supported (cite at least one source) using APA (1) in-text citations and (2) list of references. Response posts should be a minimum of 100 words; add value to our online discussions but need not be supported. Remember you can borrow ideas or information from any place but must (a) summarize the information in your own words, and (b) cite your sources. None of our discussion questions can be answered in only one PARAGRAPH – each major thought or idea should ideally be discussed in a separate paragraph. Be sure to cover all parts of each question. Post as ONE file and please repeat each question and then write your response under it.
PLEASE click on “start a new thread” to post your main/direct response. Please click on “Reply to Thread” to post your response messages.
Please respond to each of the following two questions with at least 300 words. Write the number WORDS used at the end of each response (two numbers only).
- When police recruits leave the training academy and hit the streets, they are frequently advised by more experienced officers to forget everything that they were taught in the training academy because they are not applicable to the real world. The recruits then learn from the “old salts” such things as sleeping on the job, accepting gratuities, quickly disposing of non-emergency service calls, and padding their activity reports to make themselves look busier than they really are. How can this cycle be broken? Please detail what actually constitute real police work? How can the department guarantee that the proper procedures taught in training classes are actually being implemented?
- Juvenile services, community services, and crime prevention are often looked down on by police officers as not being “real police work.” What is real police work? As a police manager, how would you go about elevating the status of such tasks as mentioned above? Lastly, an age-old problem concerns the responsibility for police abuses. If the investigation of police corruption and brutality is left to the police themselves, how can the public be sure that proper action is taken? If the responsibility is placed elsewhere, such as with a civilian review board, how can the police be convinced that they will be dealt with justly?