Research Proposalgoalsto Develop Dynamic Ewrt211

Research Proposalgoalsto Develop Dynamic Ewrt211

Research Proposal


To develop dynamic research projects, we need to create great research questions to focus our research collection.

Your Task:

For this assignment, you will write a research question on a topic of your choice that is connected to the class theme of “Monsters.” Please keep in mind that “monsters” can be used in a figurative not literal meaning e.g. Plastic is a modern monster plaguing the environment

Approaches to this task:

  • Fictional: Look at a fictional movie, TV episode, music video, or piece of media and do a close analysis of the “monster/villain”
  • Historical: Look at a real-life dictator, serial killer, scientist, social network, etc. and do an analysis of the coverage of the person.
  • Scientific: Look at modern science e.g. cloning, Crispr, genetic modification etc. and decide whether that type of science is creating modern heroes or monsters.
  • Current events: Do a deep dive on a current event like border control, politics, make-up, sports, and analyze whether your topic is helping society or harming it?

The Steps:

  1. Pick an issue related to the broad theme of “monsters” that interest you e.g something from the class readings or Frankenstein’s Cat.
  2. Pick your approach: Fictional analysis, current events, historical, or scientific and narrow down to a specific topic.
  3. Pick an audience to focus on
  4. Look into the topic to see what has already been said and how you can add to the conversation e.g. If you were analyzing Thanos in The Avengers, what have people written and what fresh insights can you bring through research.
  5. Come up with a research question for your on the topic e.g.
  6. In the Avenger’s movies, is Thanos really a villain or rather he is presenting a valid philosophical way to save the environment in the face of overpopulation?
  7. Replies:Conversations with our peers should push us to examine our beliefs, values, and assumptions, while simultaneously maintaining a safe and cordial environment. Your thoughtful replies to peers are an important part of our growth as a class.
  8. By Wednesday at 11:59pm, reply to at least two of your peers with whether you think this research proposal is clear or whether you think they could be more specific or narrow.