Common Core State Standards Waiting For Superman

Common Core State Standards Waiting For Superman

Watch the “Waiting for Superman” Documentary and then write a reflection on the following questions below.

Choose 3 questions to respond. It should be1.5 page double spaced.

  1. In the film, we see several examples of schools characterized by a culture of low expectations and low achievement. Where are such schools typically found? What do you believe are the root causes of these chronically low-performing schools? What is being done to improve low-performing schools? What should be done?
  2. Studies show that the quality of a student’s teacher has more impact on his or her learning ability than any other factor within a school. What support systems are in place to assist struggling teachers and remove those who do not improve? The film portrays teacher unions as part of the challenge of improving the educational system, what do you think about this position?
  3. “Waiting for Superman” illustrates the challenges of having each state set its own standards for teaching and learning. The Common Core State Standards Initiative has established national standards for what K-12 students are expected to learn and be able to do in order to graduate from high school and also be prepared for college and career. What do you think schools need to do so that, instead of academic tracking, all students are learning grade-level content?
  4. Researchers have identified a strong link between school environment and student achievement. What can a school community do to create an environment that values and prioritizes student learning (for example math and reading)? What is the role of parents, school staff, and community members in fostering a culture of learning at school? How might schools foster a culture of learning and school success?
  5. Are charter schools the answer to improving education? Should we have more schools like the Children’s Learning Zone in Harlem across the country? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of charter schools like the Children’s Learning Zone?