I would like to do my final paper on drug testing in Skateboarding competitions. I think it is interesting to see how organizations are attempting to prevent performance enhancing drugs

I would like to do my final paper on drug testing in Skateboarding competitions. I think it is interesting to see how organizations are attempting to prevent performance enhancing drugs

This is a very simple assignment. The assignment allows me to see where you are
headed with your paper and give you feedback; it allows you and your partner to make
sure you on are on track; and it gives you the opportunity to see what your peers are up
This isn't a formal assignment and it will be posted on the discussion board (1 post per
group). There is no minimum length for your first draft, but you should offer enough
information so I can offer you constructive feedback. The more effort you put into this
the better.
I have outlined a the basic concepts that I would like you to include in your first draft
below, however, I suggest that you read over the final paper assignment sheet prior to
posting your draft.
TOPIC: I would like to do my final paper on drug testing in Skateboarding competitions.
I think it is interesting to see how organizations are attempting to prevent performance
enhancing drugs and adapt to the culture of the sport which commonly involved
cannabis and alcohol use.
First Draft
State the compelling social issue that you (and your partner) and
writing about for your final paper
1. Explain why it is meaningful to you
2. Explain why it is controversial
3. Explain the arguments that support different positions on the issue
1. Who benefits from each position
2. Who loses out from each position
4. What position do you take and why?

Answer preview I would like to do my final paper on drug testing in Skateboarding competitions. I think it is interesting to see how organizations are attempting to prevent performance enhancing drugs

I would like to do my final paper on drug testing in Skateboarding competitions. I think it is interesting to see how organizations are


681 words