Discuss the importance AND analyze the impact of facility upgrades, additions, and EMS initiatives from a financial perspective

Discuss the importance AND analyze the impact of facility upgrades, additions, and EMS initiatives from a financial perspective

Facility upgrades and additions, and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are long-term
strategic decisions for market penetration, cost-savings, being a good corporate citizen and for
remaining competitive. However, EMS initiatives have benefits and drawbacks operationally and
financially to a hotel’s operation.
Discuss the impact that Working Capital had in your strategic long-term decisions.
Provide an analysis of:
1- The challenges and benefits of borrowing money (long term loans)
2- How this loan/s impacted your operational decisions
Aside from Working Capital, what critical considerations did you have to make when adding
and/or upgrading facilities, and implementing EMS initiatives to your hotel – when you first took
over the hotel versus later on in Year 1 and Year 2?
Discuss the importance AND analyze the impact of facility upgrades, additions, and EMS
initiatives from a financial perspective (ROI and Occupancy increases) on your hotel’s operation.
Important: All upgrades, capital projects AND revenue increases (due to upgrades, additions, or
EMS) MUST be provided. This legitimizes your report and validates your management decisions.
Part 2 – Interview a manager/s at your place of externship (250 words maximum)
Please interview a General Manager and a Maintenance Manager (please provide a name/s and
contact information for each manager) to answer the questions below:
1. If your hotel is part of a chain, what are the requirements mandated to upgrade and update
your hotel? How often? When was the last time the hotel was updated/upgraded and what
were some of the updates/upgrades done? Were the designs, standards, etc. chain provided or
were they left to the hotel to decide? What support did the chains provide? If you are not part
of a chain, answer the same questions above but provide details as to who came up with the
designs etc. Who pays for the upgrades and where does the money come from?
2. What have been some EMS initiatives implemented at your place of externship? When was this
done and what is the expected or actual ROI’s generated over time? Was the EMS initiative

mandated by the Chain or self-imposed? Who pays for the upgrades and where does the
money come from?
Use relevant performance indicators

Answer preview Discuss the importance AND analyze the impact of facility upgrades, additions, and EMS initiatives from a financial perspective

Discuss the importance AND analyze the impact of facility upgrades additions and EMS initiatives from a financial perspective


1006 words