Write a 200+ word essay defending your side of the Just Culture debate. Imagine that you work for the Director of Alaska Wildlife Troopers (AWT) within Alaska’s Department of Public Safety in 2010. Y

Write a 200+ word essay defending your side of the Just Culture debate.  Imagine that you work for the Director of Alaska Wildlife Troopers (AWT) within Alaska’s Department of Public Safety in 2010. You have a pilot who had an accident in 2006 and an engine overspeed event in 2009. The Director of the AWT has asked for a recommendation for or against installing a new camera system in the pilot’s aircraft to detect future events. For this DB post, write a 200+ word essay outline arguments in favor of your side of the debate.  If you dont know Just culture read this https://salks.tumblr.com/post/163995242064/human-error-and-the-just-culture-effect