Using the financial reports of your chosen company, evaluate the financial performance of your company by creating a complete financial statement review.

Using the financial reports of your chosen company, evaluate the financial performance of your company by creating a complete financial statement review.

Be sure to review the instructor mentorship video for this assignment in the gradebook and note the specific feedback provided by your instructor/mentor prior to beginning your revisions for this assignment. Review the elements from the textbook. You may also revisit the required the Adaptive Coach materials as necessary. The full set of requirements for the final project are available so you can see how this fits into the finished report.

In this portion of your report you will research the annual report of your chosen company and begin to formulate an opinion of the current overall financial health of the company and its health in the recent past. You will use the skills and content you mastered in your Adaptive Coach this week, as well as the information from your company’s annual reports to analyze the company’s current and recent financial condition and complete the content within this section.

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Include the following content in this section.

Using the financial reports of your chosen company, evaluate the financial performance of your company by creating a complete financial statement review.

Review all three accounting statements and compare each of these statements to statements for the previous three years.

Describe any positive or negative trends that emerge from the accounting statement data and comparisons, providing a detailed explanation of the factors that lead to these trends.

Assess potential weaknesses in the financial statements for your company.

Answer preview Using the financial reports of your chosen company, evaluate the financial performance of your company by creating a complete financial statement review.

Using the financial reports of your chosen company evaluate the financial performance of your company by creating a complete financial


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