Discussion post : Pornography: Dines, Smith, Attwood

Word Count/Length: minimum of 300 words


1) Write in your own words using your own ideas.

2) Do not copy or paraphrase another student’s post.

3) Answer the questions asked. 

4) Demonstrate knowledge of the reading under discussion.

5) Reflect deeply on the issues raised.

Writing Good Posts:

1) Read the required readings and Instructional Notes. 

2) Read the discussion questions and reflect on the issues theyraise. 

3) Compose your answer on scrap paper or computer. The questionsare designed to help you reflect on the issues; you do not need to respond toeach element of the question.

4) Write in your own words. 

5) Show your knowledge of the readings and their arguments in yourpost. (Lack of knowledge of readings will result in a loss of marks.)

6) If you use any outside sources, you must cite them using APAformat. Material copied from the Internet or other sources without propercitation will result in a mark of 0 for the discussion assignment.

Topic:Pornography: Dines, Smith, Attwood

Answer each question in yourpost.

1)Choose one of Gail Dines’s points against pornography and explain it.

2) Then discuss if and how you think it relates to people of yourgeneration.

3) Finally, explain whether and why you agree or disagree withDines on this point.

4) Do Smith and Attwood reply directly to this point? If so,explain how. If not, how would you explain their general attitude towardDines’s case against porn.

Inyour reply, choose another student’s post. Focus on their answer to one of thequestions above and state clearly whether their answer is correct or incorrectand why. This is an opportunity to practice professional styleagreement/disagreement. Be polite, clear, and professional in your reply.


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