The final project in JRN 2201 allows you to showcase the writing and reporting skills learned this term in your Reporting class

The final project in JRN 2201 allows you to showcase the writing and reporting skills learned this term in your Reporting class

The final project in JRN 2201 allows you to showcase the writing and reporting skills learned this term in your Reporting class. You will be responsible for enterprising, researching and writing a two-part package of news stories relating to a single theme.

For this project, you will create three items:

1.A main story (800 to 1,000 words, including at least two hyperlinks)

2.A sidebar (400 to 500 words, including at least two hyperlinks)

3.A multimedia element such as a photo gallery, chart, informational graphic, audio file or video.

The topic can be local, state, national or international — but you must talk to people who can provide authoritative information, so be sure to pick a topic for which such sources will be available. Talk to as many sources as are necessary to give you two complete, fair and balanced stories — probably six or more sources for your main story and three or more sources for your sidebar.

Your hypothetical audience for the whole project is the students who read the Tropolitan.

You could have a main story about an issue or a situation and a human-interest sidebar, in which you focus on a particular person or a small group of people deeply affected by the main story. Or the people might be your main story, with the sidebar describing the general situation. (As you collect information, you may find that what you intended to be the sidebar would be better as the main story. That’s usually OK. Just get the professor’s approval.)

Answer preview The final project in JRN 2201 allows you to showcase the writing and reporting skills learned this term in your Reporting class

The final project in JRN 2201 allows you to showcase the writing and reporting skills learned this term in your Reporting class


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