GYM Discourse Community Rhetoric Exploration

GYM Discourse Community Rhetoric Exploration

 You have the chance to really dive deep into the rhetorical practices and eccentricities of your chosen Discourse Community (DC).

Why a Discourse Community Rhetoric Exploration?

An Exploratory Essay will help you develop the major categories that you will share on your website, thus preparing you to be more concise in your presentation of the things that make your community unique.  

What is a Discourse Community Rhetoric Exploration?

An Exploratory Essay begins by looking at the whole context of the Discourse Communityand answers the questions: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHY? It takes a deeper look at how the community began, who can participate, who might be excluded, what the community does, why it exists, and can even compare it to other similar discourse communities. It also explores that community in connection with the creation of your website and indicates how you will present the website to members in and out of the DC.

You may also examine the use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos within the community. 

How do I write a Discourse Community Rhetoric Exploration?

Look back at your Narrative and identify the things you found most interesting about your Discourse Community. Then answer the questions WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHY? about your Discourse Community. Next, you will want to explore how you will showcase the answers to these questions in your website. You can follow any organization that you want to, but try to avoid just listing these in order of the questions! Some more focused questions include:

  • What are the attitudes and beliefs of your DC? Why would they be interested or not in your website?

  • What is the purpose of this DC?

  • How will you introduce outsiders to insider knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and discursive (language-related) practices in your website?

  • How will you explain the social value of your DC to members and perhaps to those outside the DC?

  • What evidence (in the form of examples and explanations) will you use to explain the role and practices of the DC? (and why these practices serve the DC’s goals).

  • How does my community use emotional persuasion to encourage participation?

  • How does my community use logical persuasion to achieve its goals?

  • How does my community establish credibility?