In this paper, I will discuss this issue in further detail, and strategize a plan in order to fix the problem.

In this paper, I will discuss this issue in further detail, and strategize a plan in order to fix the problem.

Many of the families in our community are lacking the resources and/or support to provide
the necessary needs of their children, which includes the student’s education. In order to
ensure the personal and education success of our students, their overall needs are to be
met. In this paper, I will discuss this issue in further detail, and strategize a plan in order to
fix the problem.

A. Lack of resources
1. Food
2. Clothing
3. Possibly shelter
B. Lack of support
1. Families are discouraged and feel judged
4. Example
A. Monthly donation drives
1. Different family each month
2. Food, clothes, toiletries

B. “Family Nights”
1. Weekly or monthly
5. Educational workshops for families
6. Dinner is served
C. Family/School relationships
1. Create welcoming bond between staff members and families

Course Project OutlinePage 2 of 2
7. Make the children feel comfortable and safe to communicate

A. Restate topic
B. Summarize three main points
C. Revisit introduction or tie all ideas together

Answer preview In this paper, I will discuss this issue in further detail, and strategize a plan in order to fix the problem.

In this paper, I will discuss this issue in further detail, and strategize a plan in order to fix the problem.


1183 words