Answer all 11 questions

Section 1

  1. In no more than one sentence, explain the peculiar geographic importance of the port of New Orleans to the United States.
  2. In no more than one paragraph, explain why Jefferson believed that either French control or English control over New Orleans would be fatal for the survival of the United States as a single, united country, and would result in the balance-of-power system expanding from Europe to North America.
  3. In no more than one sentence, explain why John Quincy Adams regarded the acquisition of Florida from Spain as critical to the survival of the United States.


Section 2 

  1. In no more than two sentences, explain the arguments in favor of annexing Texas.
  2. In no more than two sentences, explain the arguments against annexing Texas.
  3. In no more than one sentence, explain why, following the U.S. annexation of Texas, President Polk deliberately provoked the Mexican-American War.
  4. In no more than two sentences, explain the Polk Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.


Section 3


  1. In no more than two sentences, explain why, in terms of American foreign policy and in terms of the logic of the Monroe Doctrine and the Polk Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, it was unthinkable to let the Southern states leave the Federal union.
  2. In no more than one sentence, explain why the Southern states expected Great Britain to support their independence.
  3. In no more than one sentence, explain the key elements in U.S. foreign policy aimed at preventing Britain from recognizing the independence of the Southern states and providing support to the Confederacy.
  4. In no more than two sentences, explain the U.S. reaction to the French intervention in Mexico in terms of the logic of the Monroe Doctrine and the Polk Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.