Entrepreneur Biography assignment

This is an opportunity for students to conduct research on a world renowned entrepreneur and write a profile of the success story of that person. This can be achieved by interview or archival research. In other words, you may choose to collect data on the entrepreneur’s path to success by personal interview or by secondary resources from library, magazine, internet, television or movie. This assignment should be 750-1250 words in length.

Students must include: Information on industry, competitors and market trend of the entrepreneurs background and the context of their venture.  Concepts from class (e.g. Elevator Pitch, the 10x rule, the S curve, competitive advantage, suboptimal opportunity spotting, etc.) will be included and highlighted. Conclude the research report with your key learning from this person and the new venture. Did you think strategies implemented by this entrepreneur were effective or not? State your rationale. See the Biography Checklist and Rubric posted in the Assignment folder for more detailed information.

Students will be graded on how well they integrate course content into the biography. Students must highlight each concept they use in yellow.  If a concept is not highlighted, then the Students accept the risk that such concept will not be included in their grade. Students are encouraged to include as many concepts as they can. The more concepts correctly used, the higher the grade.  In previous years using 11+ concepts leveraged correctly has resulted in A range grades. 

ASSIGNMENT CAVEAT: All assignments MUST be a product of the students original work and effort and not previously or concurrently written or presented as part of any other course taken at Ryerson or elsewhere. If it is not, then a grade of zero will be given (even retroactively), and it will be construed and recorded as academic misconduct in the students file.