Logic Model

Section 1 of your evaluation program is about designing and describing the program of your choice logic model. Develop the logic model for the chosen program and structure the paper as follow: 

      •  Introducing the program: Introduce the program that you are studying. Choose wisely which information to include and which not. This section should not be longer than one page.  
      • Logic Model: Develop, draw, and explain the logic model for the program you selected. Identify inputs, processes, cases/ customers, outputs, initial, intermediate, and end outcomes. Identify also context variables which might have a significant influence on the identified intermediate and end outcomes. Draw the full logic model, including causality paths. Make sure to describe in detail your logic model. 
      • Length of the paper: 1,900 – 2,200  words words (not counting figures, tables, and references if used)
      • Evaluation Project – Section 1
        Evaluation Project – Section 1
        Criteria Ratings Pts

        20 pts

        Exceptional (94- 100%)
        • The reasoning and analysis is clear and convincing. • The logic model cover all major variables

        18 pts

        Developed (90-94%)
        • The reasoning and analysis is somewhat clear and convincing. • The logic model cover all major variables but omits a few of them

        16 pts

        Developing (90-80%)
        • The reasoning and analysis is not always clear and convincing. • The logic model cover does not cover all major variables

        0 pts

        Undeveloped (0%-80%) (0-15 pts)
        • The reasoning and analysis is not clear and convincing. • The logic model cover does not cover all major variables and it is missing at least one of the major components
        20 pts
        Empirical Evidence

        10 pts

        Exceptional (94- 100%)
        Proper and relevant information is provided to properly understand and analyze the program

        9 pts

        Developed (90-94%)
        Sufficient Information is provided to properly understand and analyze the program

        8 pts

        Developing (90-80%)
        Information is provided to properly understand and analyze the program but the information is not always pertinent

        0 pts

        Undeveloped (0%-80%) (0-7 pts)
        No relevant information is provided to properly understand and analyze the program
        10 pts
        Writing Mechanics

        5 pts

        Exceptional (94- 100%)
        Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and relevant data and information; extremely well organized

        4 pts

        Developed (90-94%)
        Writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness and contains only a few errors; includes sufficient details and relevant data and information; well-organized

        3 pts

        Developing (90-80%)
        Writing lacks clarity or conciseness and contains numerous errors; gives insufficient detail and relevant data and information; lacks organization

        0 pts

        Undeveloped (0%-80%) (0-2 pts)
        Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; lacks detail and relevant data and information; poorly organized
        5 pts
        APA Guidelines

        5 pts

        Exceptional (94- 100%)
        Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources

        4 pts

        Developed (90-94%)
        Uses APA guidelines with minor violations to cite sources

        3 pts

        Developing (90-80%)
        Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA guidelines

        0 pts

        Undeveloped (0%-80%) (0-2 pts)
        Does not use APA guidelines
        5 pts
        Total Points: 40