
For this topic you need to check out the news
online. Find an article relating to Biology that is
currently impacting or could impact your life. Be
sure to post a link to the article you find that you
will be discussing.
Use an article that is dated within the last year. Be
sure to explain how the current event is relevant
to you. It can be directly or indirectly impacting
your life but be sure to explain and be clear in
your post.
Be sure you are using actual news articles.
Remember that not everything on social media is
rooted in fact. Example: an article on how zombies
are taking over the world would not be a good
choice, however, an article on how Rocky
Mountain Spotted Fever is on the rise in
Tennessee over the last decade would be a much
better choice if you can relate that to your life.
(Do not use this example, come up with your own