Week 3 Assignment: From Victim to Offender

(CC1, CC5): This week you read about a variety of risk factors that have been correlated with female criminal behavior.  Environmental factors, including a history of early trauma, abuse, and family dysfunction, have been researched in an attempt to help us better understand criminal offenders.  As research has shown, not all victims become offenders; however, many offenders have a history of trauma and/or abuse.

For this assignment, you will engage in a self-debate regarding the topic of victimization and the risk for future offending.

The first half of your paper should present arguments, supported by research, that side with the idea that female victimization does not lead to future offending.   Which factors, theories or concepts can be identified to explain why not all victims become offenders. Being a victim does not guarantee a life of crime…but, why?

The second half of your paper should present the opposing argument, using research to support the idea that female victimization does lead to criminal offending. Is this the result of biology/physiology? Social learning?

For each side of your argument, make sure to use research and theories to support your own ideas.  You want to make sure it is clear which side of the debate you are discussing in each section.

Lastly, you will present your own thoughts on the matter using the research to support your statements.



  • Papers should be at least 4-6 pages in length

  • APA (Links to an external site.) Formatting required

  • A minimum of 3 scholarly references are required