Based on the scenario, write a one-page memo to Mary Lou in which you suggest and justify adopting a new social media platform to advertise the gym using Red Level Strategies.

Writing Assignment 1 (Memo) 

Scenario: You have recently been hired as a part-time trainer for the Big City Fitness Center, a small gym that has been open for only a few months. 

The owner of the gym, Mary Lou Kizer, recently retired from her 30-year career as a pet groomer. She has been a self-proclaimed fitness enthusiast most of her life, and she opened the gym at the urging of several of her friends. Mary Lou runs the business side of things herself, and she has a small staff of trainers who do most of the interacting with the gyms customers. 

The gym is located near Big City Tech, a small commuter college. Since Big City Tech has no gym facilities of its own, Mary Lou figured she could capitalize on the student traffic near the campus to bring in new customers. Knowing that her audience is primarily a younger demographic, she had her trainers create a Facebook page and she also bought an ad in the monthly student paper and placed flyers in the student center to help attract students to the gym. 

So far, the business has been steady but slow, the clients being mostly parents in the area, and Mary Lou is running out of advertising money in her budget. Her funds are dwindling, and the gym does not have enough members to turn a profit, making Mary Lou question if she should keep the business open. 

After a shift at the gym, you and your fellow trainers (all current or recent students of Big City Tech) decide to grab a bite to eat. As you are eating and chatting, the subject turns to the slow business and the Facebook page. You make a sudden realization and ask, How many of you actually use Facebook regularly?. When no one answered, you realized that you might be using the wrong social media platform to attract the Big City Tech students. You and the other trainers begin brainstorming what other social media platform(s) would be most likely to attract the Big City Tech crowd.  

The other trainers think advertising on a new social media is a fantastic idea, and they want to begin right away. However, you know that Mary Lou tends to be conservative and cautious in her decision-making regarding the business, and having a Facebook page was a big step for her. You fear that if you all start posting on behalf of Big City Fitness Center without her blessing, she may freak out.  

You also know that Mary Lou is very busy running the gym, so her time is precious. With those things in mind, you volunteer to write her a memo suggesting using a new social media platform to advertise the gym. As opposed to talking to Mary Lou, you figure a memo will have several benefits: 

  • A memo is a professional document, so she will see that you are serious about the idea. 
  • A memo gives you a better chance to build a strong logical argument in favor of implementing a social media advertising campaign. 
  • A memo allows her to read and spend as much time with the idea as she would like. 

You also figure that since you are not scheduled to work again for a few days, leaving Mary Lou a memo will give her time to ponder your idea before you will see her again. 


Assignment: Based on the scenario, write a one-page memo to Mary Lou in which you suggest and justify adopting a new social media platform to advertise the gym. 

Your memo will be graded on the correct use of language and overall professionalism as well as the Red Level Strategies listed below (a more detailed grading rubric can be viewed below): 

Red Level Strategies 

  • Establish purpose and audience 
  • Use simple, concrete, direct language — align language and purpose 
  • Use the direct organization 
  • Ensure completeness and accuracy 
  • Write informative and purposeful subject lines