Reflective Paper

Assignment2:  Inside this Place, Not of it, Reflectivepaper                                            15%

In a two page, double spaced paper with one inchmargins and 12 CPI Times New Roman, respond to the following question throughan integrated and well written essay: How did the institution of social welfarefail the women Levi and Waldman portray in their book? What insights do yougain about degradation? What is the societal purpose of degradation?


1.      Paperlength.  A full two pages.

2.      Margins.  One inch.

3.      Fontsize.  12 pt.

4.      Paragraphs.  Fully developed with appropriate format. 

5.      Sentencestructures.  Full sentences with activeverbs.

6.      Refinement.  Evidence of refinement of the writing andpresentation of content.