Physical Chemistry Lab Summary

This is two page paper single space with one reference using ACS style

The paper contains two sections that are Introduction and Methods. 

Please watch the videos and read the file for more information about this report. ***See docx. attachement for details.


This section will include two main parts. The first part (first paragraph) will discuss relevant background information then state the scientific problem on the scientific theories that are essential to the experiment. Cite the source using ACS style. The second part (second paragraph) will be the objective/purpose of the experiment and a brief summary method of the experiment.


Note: Concisely but clearly describes the scientific problem and provides the necessary background for context.  The purpose/objective(s) of the work must also be stated as well as an overview of the experiment that demonstrates how the purpose will be achieved.


What to write

  • Background of superconductivity (what we know)
  • Why it’s important to understand the nature of superconductivity
  • Scientific Problem

Why something is superconductor

Unknown of the structure or properties of the crystal and the structure of a superconductor

  • The purpose/objective

Determine the crystals structure and lattice parameter of the superconductor.

  • Brief method on how to achieve the purpose

Perform a solid-state synthesis and determine the crystal structure using X-Ray Diffraction.




In this section, you need to write the procedure in paragraph form rather than in bulleted, our outline form. You will use complete sentences. Write the procedure in enough detail so that someone outside of the class can pick up your formal report and perform the experiment using your procedure. Break the procedure into two sections.

DO NOT write step by step!

DO NOT use pronoun (My, me, our, we etc.)

Write the procedure in PAST TENSE!


Note: Summarizes the procedure (including critical details for success) so an equivalent experiment could be reproduced.  Includes insight into why certain procedural choices were made.  Provides a background on the techniques, presents equations and how the results will be analysed/interpreted.


Section 1

Procedure: Preparation of the Superconductor 

Place in a mortar 0.750 g of Yz03, 2.622 g of BaC03, and 1.581 g of CuO (atomic ratio Y:Ba:Cu = 1 2 3 ) . (Ordinary reagent-grade chemicals are suitable and the scale can he varied over a wide range.) Grind the mixture well with a pestle for 20 min, and transfer the powder to a porcelain crucible. Heat in the air in a furnace at 920-930 “C for 12h or longer. Turn off the furnace, and allow the sample to cool slowly in the furnace. This slow cooling allows atmos- phericoxygen to he taken up by the sample and produces the desired oxygen content. 


What to write

  • Synthesize YBCO superconductor

Created a mixture of YBCO by weighted Y2O3, BaCO3 and CuO in respectively molar ratio of 1:2:3.

Made 3 pellets after grinding the mixture.

Tried to press hard to make thin, hard-pressed pellets.

Placed 3 pellets in 3 different crucibles with some excess powder.

Bake @ 927C ~ 24 hours

Allowed the sample to cool down slowly so that it produced the desired oxygen content.


Section 2

Procedure: Took the sample out from the heater. Regrind the excess powder to perform XRD.


What to write:

  • Determine crystal structure of YBCO using XRD.

            The excess powder was grinded again then taken to place on the microscope slide. A flat and even sample on the glass that allowed consistent data.

            Settings of XRD machinea range for 2 for setting from 10 to 90, with frequency of 0.05, and 1.0s for how long it stays on data point.

            Data completed running after around 30 minutes.

            Collected XRD Data of 2 vs Intensity and assigned peaks to their respective Miller Planes.





Note: References are appropriately documented and properly cited in the text.