The following excerpt is from an 1895 play, The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde. Read the passage carefully. Then in a well-written essay analyze how the playwright reveals the values of the characters and the nature of their society (theme).

The text must be from The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, it is attached.  Here is the thesis that must be used in the essay. 

“Through Lady Bracknell’s seeking a proper suitor for her daughter Gwendolyn, Wilde uses puns that introduce the ideas of being earnest during the Victorian Era. Throughout the act, Lady Bracknell satirically interrogates Jack, a potential suitor, and comes across as witty and bizarre; her ideals of marriage and propriety feel unrealistic. “

It must be at least three body paragraphs with an Intro and thesis. No citation is needed, just direct quotes from the passage that is attached. You can not use any outside source other than the one attached. Please try to match all the criteria in the rubric for the essay that is attached.