Article Analysis

Major depressive disorder: Personal experience

Some of you have probably had a personal experience with a major depressive episode perhaps you had a depressive episode yourself or perhaps you know someone else who had a depressive episode.  One goal of this course is to help you learn what it is like to live with a mental disorder so that you can be more sensitive and understanding toward those living with these disorders. One way to achieve this goal in relation to major depressive disorder is to read about someones experience with major depressive disorder. 

Read the following article: (Links to an external site.)

Next, address the following questions on a word or related document. You may also copy and paste your responses if you are not able to upload your file. Limit to 2-3 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman. Type your name at the top of the assignment. Please email if you need assistance. (I’ll type my name 🙂 )

 Questions to address (1 or 2 paragraphs per question)

In what ways has this article helped you understand the material in the book or lecture? (chapters to relate to are 1-4)
What did you like or not like about the article (be sure to explain why)?
What did you learn that was new or surprising to you?
What do you think of the various treatments that Solomon tried and the ones that he did not try?
How has your perspective changed by reading this article? (explain how it has or has not changed)