

Students will submit an essay (500-750 words) in answer to the following question: “Discuss the Pros and Cons of Metal Detectors in Schools Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,
studies, experience or observation.
Essays will be judged on the following criteria:
(1) Effectiveness, insightfulness, creativity, and completeness (33 1/3%) 
(2) Organization and development of the ideas expressed with clear and appropriate
examples to support them (33 1/3%);
(3) Consistency in the use of language, variety in sentence structure and range of
vocabulary, use of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation (33 1/3%).
Other Directions:
As part of a students entry, the student will be asked to put their first name and last name
initial i.e Mary B., grade and English teacher name on your essay. 
Each student may enter only one essay. 
The essay must have a title. 
The essay must be typed or computer-printed in 12- font on one side of the page. Hand-written essays or essays presented in any other way will be disqualified.
Essays must be original, not in the public domain, factually accurate, and must not infringe on or violate any law or the legal or equitable right of any person or entity, nor contain material that infringes on or violates any personal property, rights of others or that constitutes defamation, invasion of privacy, an infringement of the intellectual property rights of any third person or is otherwise unlawful. By submitting an essay, each student acknowledges his or her understanding of and compliance with these rules.