vegan diet out line


Your outline must be submitted in a formal outline format as shown below.  The outline should demonstrate enough detail to make it clear that you have considered the organization of your presentation, including the research required for your topic, and the planned sections for your PowerPoint. At the end of your outline, please provide a listing of the sources which you have already identified for use in creating your paper.


Outline Format 

I. Thesis statement

II. What foods, vitamins, and rituals are typical of this fad diet, and why?

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint 

   B. Next Subpoint 

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         2. More details of the Subpoint 

III. Discuss significant data and statistics from the scholarly articles you found about this fad diet. 

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint 

   B. Next Subpoint 

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         2. More details of the Subpoint 

IV. What do the critics say about this fad diet… and what is your analysis?

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint 

   B. Next Subpoint 

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         2. More details of the Subpoint 

V. Do you recommend this fad diet? Where can the public get more information? 

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint 

   B. Closing

         1. Details of the Subpoint

         2. More details of the Subpoint         

VI.  APA Style in-text citations and references where appropriate

*Be sure to insert additional subpoints and details where necessary to meet the content requirements. 


Submission Guidelines

Only doc, docx, and odt file types are accepted – PDF files are not accepted.  You may download Microsoft Office for free under Pages.