Most Interesting Part


  • Polytheism:
    • Fairbanks, A. (1898). Literary Influence in the Development of Greek Religion. The Biblical World,11(5), 294-305. Retrieved from
      • Read the entire Polytheism and Monotheism Lecture at Gifford Lectures:
    • Humanism:
      • Watch Professor of Sociology Frank Furedis 18-minute lecture on Humanism.: Furedi, F. (2013). Alternative lectures: What is Humanism (Part 1). [Video File]
      • Watch his 19-minute follow-up as well. Furedi, F. (2013). What is humanism? Part 2. [Video File]
      • A collection of short definitions of Humanism can be found at : read through these and prepare to share your thoughts.
    • The problem of Evil and Suffering to Religion
      • Read the entire entry (all 11 sub-sections) from the IEP entry for the Logical Problem of Evil available at
    For the paper:
    • Share what the most interesting part this week was to you. 
    • How did that experience change your worldview? 
    • Explain how you thought before, and how the new viewpoint changed that old thinking into something new.

    Be sure to use in-text citation and provide references for your sources, including textbooks.