Response and reflection paper


These short (~750 word) papers represent the culmination of our work on each unit. The paper should include the three following sections:

  1. Extension Reading Summary
  2. Module Readings Synthesis
  3. Module Reflection

You are welcome to directly label each of these sections. Doing this will help me identify each section and ensure that you get credit for each. I’ll cover each of these sections in more detail below. 

Section 1 – Extension Reading Summary

First, you will need to read one additional article on the modules topic (the options are listed below) and develop a brief (~100-150word) summary of that reading.

The summary should begin with a direct reference to the source (including at least the author and/or title of the article). Focus on the main ideas in the summary, but also include the major supports for these ideas. Try not to comment or evaluate the source here. Make sure that youre summarizing it in the way that you would describe it, and do not copy summaries from other online resources or from the abstract to the article. I’m much more interested in what you understand the source to be saying than what someone else thinks it means. At the same time, I’m not trying to test you here about a “correct” interpretation of the article. Just show me that you read the article and thought about some of the details of it. 

Extension Reading –

Biesecker, Barbara A. Philosophy & Rhetoric, vol. 22, no. 2, 

Section 2 – Module Readings Synthesis

Write a brief (~250 word) synthesis that connects the extension article you read in this assignment to the two texts we read last week. Be sure to reference each source directly. (For example, “Smith argues ____, but Legget argues ____. Together these two sources show a difference in opinion about ___.”

If you’re struggling with this section, consider any of the following questions:

  • How do all these sources connect? What do they mean together about communication/rhetoric/
  • What does this area of rhetorical theory argue in general?
  • What seem to be common disagreements in this area of rhetorical theory?
  • Which source seems strongest? Why? 

   starting on pg 24 of the book, labeled arguments and toulmin model.

Section 3 – Reflection

Finally, write a brief (~250 word) reflection on this unit as a whole.

This section is meant to be rather free-form, so you can discuss any relevant topics that you’d like to. However, if you’re struggling to think of something to say, you might consider any of the following questions:

  • How has this unit changed your views on rhetorical theory and/or practice?
  • Did you like this unit more or less than previous units? Why?
  • What are the strengths and/or weaknesses of this area of rhetorical theory?
  • How might you be able to apply this area of rhetorical theory in your future studies and/or work?

But don’t feel constrained by these questions. They’re primarily intended as potential thoughts to focus on in reflecting on the unit. You can certainly address other things related to the unit if you’d like to.