Your first post is a copy of the recommendations that you intend to make in your final project submission

Your first post is a copy of the recommendations that you intend to make in your final project submission

Company of Focus: AvalonBay Communities

Your first post is a copy of the recommendations that you intend to make in your final project submission (Final Assignment Instructions attached). To get the most out of this peer review, your recommendations should be in as close to final form as you can make them.

For this small group discussion, submit a draft of recommendations for your final project and conduct a peer review.

Your first post is a copy of the recommendations that you intend to make in your final project submission. To get the most out of this peer review, your recommendations should be in as close to final form as you can make them.

Answer preview Your first post is a copy of the recommendations that you intend to make in your final project submission

Your first post is a copy of the recommendations that you intend to make in your final project submission


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