Foragers and the First Farmer

After reading Chapter 1 and focusing on Interpretations of the origins of agriculture Pages 8-10, discuss and analyze Pros and Cons of farming vs. hunting and gathering.

Post your analysis Minimum 300 words!! to the discussion board.  

– Make sure to use proper grammar and spell check your final product.  

– Minimum 2 references listed after initial post!!!   List Tauger, M. B. as a reference in APA please and any other urls of videos used.

Example of APA Reference—Tauger, Mark B. Agriculture in World History. 2nd ed. New York ;: Routledge, 2021. Print.

No need for citing in your discussion just BOLD your facts.

– Initial Post (6 Points) At Least 2 Facts in BOLD from your Assigned book Agriculture in World History, Second Edition, by Mark B. Tauger

Make this fun, use examples to get your points across. You may also watch the attached videos or lookup other videos on Youtube to help with the discussion.

 (Links to an external site.)


Based on fact, not emotion.  Please be sensitive to the fact that we all have different thoughts and values. 

2. Then comment on two classmates posts —   Comments must be of substance and minimum of 100 words. Please comment positively (even if you have the opposite view) and respectfully. 

– Include at Least 1 Fact in BOLD from your Assigned book Agriculture in World History, Second Edition, by Mark B. Tauger in each response!!!

Post worth 6 points, comments worth 2 points each for a total of 10 points.