4 Parts Leadership

Part 2 and 3 will be in files 

Part 1:

If your company was implementing a new vision and mission goal, how would you reach your employees companywide?  List at least two ideas of how to get the information across besides something obvious like posters and emails.

Have you been involved in a company change before? How did it work?

Part 2:

In chapter 4, the author looks at Lewin’s (1951) research concerning the stages of Praxis.  Please compare and contrast the Lewin model to Kotter’s model.

Part 3:

1. Which virtue is most important for a leader and why? Please incorporate the results of the Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (pp. 86-87) in your discussion.

2. Which of the virtues did your boss best or least exemplify and why?

Part 4:

1. In developing your style of leadership, you must avoid certain pitfalls. Discuss components that a leader must avoid and what they need to do to maintain authenticity. If possible, relate this to your own experiences.

2. Consider the 5 Levels of Leadership. Identify the one level you think you are currently at, and provide evidence as to why you think you are there. What can you do to try to achieve the next level of leadership? Sketch out a plan or steps that you think can take you there.